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Migrate a blog from Wordpress to Jekyll

wordpress, blog, blogging, static web sites, jekyll
Web development, Blogging
22, September 2017

In this case the situation was the end of life of Openshift v2, the platform I used to host (for free) the WordPress blog. As I was not yet accepted in the program of Openshift v3 I decided to try an alternative. So I had access to a static hosting and I moved all the content from Wordpress to Jekyll. Jekyll is a static site generator and as I described in a previous post there is nothing bad with that if you use the correct tools.

In this post I will describe the process I followed to move the content from one kind of blogging platform to the other.

Jekyll Logo

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Written in Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub's co-founder, it is distributed under an open source license.

Install Ruby and Jekyll

First of all, I had to instal Ruby. Jekyll is a program written in Ruby, so we need to install it in our development station. In my case, I installed on Ubuntu so install the packages needed is as simple as any other package installation.

sudo apt-get install gcc ruby ruby-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlibc zlib1g-dev

After that we can install the Jekyll generator by using the Ruby package manager Rubygems. Also we will install the Ruby bundler tool for future needs.

gem install jekyll bundler

Create the new blog with Jekyll

Creating a new blog with Jekyll is as easy as run the following command

jekyll new _blog_

This will generate an example site using the default theme called Minima. You can check it by running the command

jekyll serve

This will build the site and start a server in the localhost at the port 4000. Then you can open that [url(http://localhost:4000)] in your browser and see how it looks.

Import your posts from Wordpress to Jekyll

I went throw some more issues with these steps.

First attempt Jekyll-exporter Wordpress plugin

I tried first using a plugin that you can find in the Wordpress plugins repository.

A nice plugin to export from Wordpress to Jekyll

It's called Jekyll exporter and is developed by Ben Balter

It worked pretty well, because it exports the posts and a bunch of information like the category, the tags or the author and also some meta data like the page template used and others even it was added by plugins like Yoast SEO.

<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true">* But, I don't know why but maybe is due a missconfiguration the all media is not exported, so in order to do that I tried a second approach.

Second attempt using jekyll-import script and default export tool.

Then I exported using the included export tool from the Wordpress administration downloading a file called wordpress.xml

Export all the blog content to a xml file with the default export option in tools on the Wordpress Administration After that I installed some gems to get a script able to do the importation

sudo gem install jekyll-import hpricot open_uri_redirections

The important piece is jekyll-import in charge to import all the data included and download all the media refered in the xml export file generated. This is the script that run the work.

$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import";
"source" => "wordpress.xml",
"no_fetch_images" => false,
"assets_folder" => "assets"

Finally, this imported all the posts (published and drafts) and downloaded all images included in the posts from the blog.

For my bad, I had to do a manual match to merge the information exported from one method to the other for each of the posts generated.

Highlighting code in your Jekyll posts

If you run a blog about development and coding skills sometimes you have to include lines of code on your posts and you need formatting and coloring it in order to be pleasant to the eyes and easy to read. You can use a highlight helper integrated with Jekyll but you should install the required Ruby gems:

gem install rouge

To colour it properly you will have to add a nice CSS stylesheet. But don't worry because Rouge is completely compatible with Pygments and you only have to download from there the CSS you want and include it in your project. The only caveat is that you have to replace the tag with the markdown or html generated from the exports (usually ``` or <pre><code> blocks) with the Jekyll helper for highlighting

{% highlight _language_ %} //code here {% endhighlight %}

Enable latent semantic indexing

The post related content by default with Jekyll provide a simple way to get related content limiting it to the ten most recent posts. If you want to improve this relationship of content you should install also a couple of Ruby Gems more

sudo gem install classifier-reborn

Finally, to take advantage of this, you should build the site using the --lsi option with the jekyll build command.

jekyll build --lsi

Finish him

After all these steps you will have the content previously created from Wordpress in your new an passionate Jekyll site. From now on, you will be free to write and edit using your HTML skills the content you want in your site.

Blog post