Numix is a great project composed by many design artworks like icons and backgrounds to use on your Linux desktop distribution. The good design and taste of all of its elements converts your bored distribution into a beautiful pleasant for your eyes experience. And it also can be applied in your Android devices.
UPDATE 16th Sept. 2017 As the Numix Project team indicates, some of the info is out of date.
Just to let you know, someone of the info is now out of date. We no longer have a store (we're making everything FOSS) and Ozon is dead :( â Numix Project (@numixproject) 16 de setembre de 2017
The project is composed by:
- GTK3 themes
- Icons collections
- Background wallpapers collections
You can take a look on this resources searching for them in the DeviantArt repository
Support the project
You can support the project by visiting the Numix Store and getting some of their items or the awesome round neck T-Shirt.
Install in your linux distribution
For installing the icon packages and gtk themes you can use the repositories build to provide the updated Numix artworks.
For Ubuntu, add the Ubuntu PPA from a terminal running the following command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa
There is also an OpenSUSE repository to use in the distros based on Fedora, Red Hat or OpenSUSE. Alternatively, on Fedora, you could install Fedy and run the following command:
sudo fedy -e numix_themes
For install in other distros you can download the packages from and unpack them into your home folder to use them in the system.
Using these icons in your Windows machine
For using these icons on your Windows installation as applications and resources icons you must convert to an ico format. For doing this you can use a bulk convert tool. First of all you can download the Numix icon theme you want to convert from the Numix project Github repository
My personal solution was to use these command lines to convert the png files to ico with the convert command from a Cygwin terminal.
You should download Cygwin from here and install the ImageMagick package
- Convert from svg to png
find . -name \*.svg -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P4 -I{} bash -c 'X={}; convert -background none -density 1200 "$X" "${X%.svg}.png"'
- Convert from png to ico
find . -name \*.png -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P4 -I{} bash -c 'X={}; convert "$X" -define icon:auto-resize=256,128,64,48,32,16 "${X%.png}.ico"'
You maybe also need other interesting commands like:
- Modify images recursively
find * -iname '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 mogrify -resize 64x64\>
- Copying preserving folder structure
find . -name '*.png' | cpio -pdm ../numix.png/
- Copying preserving folder structure overwritting previous existing files
find . -name '*.png' | cpio -updm ../numix.png/
Android icons for your launcher
There are the Android version of these icons collections. You can find on the Google Play Store
Ozon Os, their own linux distro
The Numix team working together with the Nitrux team have build a very beautiful own linux distribution based on Fedora 21. The base of Ozon is a new desktop environment called Atom, basically a modification of the current Gnome Shell , designed to be simple, sleek and modern and improve your productivity in front of the desktop environment, focused on helping you to get stuff done quickly. Ozon is also gaming friendly. The team included in it performance optimisations and improvements to help you installing video drivers and gaming platforms. The team believes in the essence of open source and had published the source on GitHub and invite you to contribute or fork it for your needs.
This is one linux distribution to consider into the group of the nicest designed distributions where we can find:
- PapyrOs, Material design based
- Linux Deepin, a chinese distribution
- Elementary Os, with Freya as the latest stable version available.
- or evolve os, with the latest Beta 1.1
Check the Numix project web page
Check the Numix Store
Check the Numix Google+ page
The Ozon Os web page