What is React? React (sometimes called also ReactJs) is a library to create reusable components and build with that your web applications.
Its development was leaded by Facebook development teams. Nowadays is pretty widely used around the world and there is a high demand of professionals
with knowdledge and experience with the technology.
Though I am all in the JavaScript camp when it comes to app development and programming, I fully acknowledge that there are plenty of other app development programmers who are not JavaScript fans.
The icon is the first presentation of your app and maybe a bad design or a not so nice icon can make the user refuse to install your app. You should try to give a professional and nice presentation to, at least, avoid get the user away only at the first glance.
In this case the situation was the end of life of Openshift v2, the platform I used to host (for free) the WordPress blog. As I was not yet accepted in the program of Openshift v3 I decided to try an alternative. So I had access to a static hosting and I moved all the content from Wordpress to Jekyll. Jekyll is a static site generator and as I described in a previous post there is nothing bad with that if you use the correct tools.
We wanted to create a kind of live update of the Firebase backend while the users were using the app avoiding to put Save button actions in order to save. The idea is to keep the backend updated while the user is creating or updating any element, these are ToDo items and category elements, in our application. So we needed to implement a system with the help of the library Angularfire and the $watch AngularJs function to make it happen.