The HTML (which stands for HyperText Markup Language) is the base of the documents creating the Hypertext, or extending the concept to all media available, the Hypermedia. In these documents we can set the information showed on the Hypertext terminal. The most common implementation is the well known "World Wide Web" where their hypertext terminals are generally the Web Browsers.
When we talk about a web services we are referring to a software installed on a server with the function to provide a communication and interaction with other machines, acting as clients, using the posibilities that a web server can provide to communicate basically through the HTTP protocol.
When we talk about web server we are referring indistinctly to the software providing web content and the machine is running it. Generally a web server is a software providing web content to the clients connected to them, usually web browsers. This software is running listening on a port and when a client makes a request over the http protocol to a determined resource, usually via the get method, it is sent to the client as response.
Many times your imagination is over when you are testing some data introduction and your form inputs are finally filled with boring and repetitive text that doesn't help you. Instead of using non-sense words or useless terms you can use some of the following generators to get data and text in order to fill your forms. This will help you to have a results in your tests more close to the final data that could be filled in your applications.
When you are going to build a new web site, most of times you go through it thinking about the technology you'll use to build it. Maybe you want to be on the cutting edge and you'll use the latest or rarest content management system like Ghost or maybe you'll use a wide extended system and full of available plugins (I've a mention about these later) like Wordpress.
Since the version 2.2 of the JSF specification build composite components is a really easy thing to do. I will describe here how we implemented one to reuse a piece of UI in many pages. From the answer of this StackOverflow question I've learned about how to create the java part of this example.